Self Reflection

Good morning precious πŸ’›

How have you been?

Are you healthy? Are you at peace? Are you enjoying your work ? Are you taking care of yourself?

Are you loving yourself?

I hope that you answered these question or atleast pondered over them.

Often time we know we aren't doing well, things aren't going well but we ignore them, become oblivious of their existence. But that's not the solution.

Confronting them, knowing about them, and then finding the solution is the correct way. If it is disturbing you, then why let it stay with you? Solve it, and let you heart and mind be at peace again.

And the first most step in tackling any problem is admitting that it exists. Ask where do you feel the unease, Are you feeling stressful cause of studies/work? Is it because of family? Friend circle or their opinion is bothering you? Is future making your anxious? Is past still keeping tabs and curtailing your happiness?

Ask and you shall know. Your heart will tell you what's hurting the most. Then ask why? Often we go for what and how. But we fails to consider that there's a "Why" too. The reason for happenings of things. Reason for our distracted mind and troubling thoughts.

Delve deeper into the why and you will know the "why". Then see how can you remove that why? If you cannot remove it permanently, then how can you minimize the impact it has over you. There's always an answer. It might not be easy but it is there. So search for it. Read in books or listen to stories.

Our problems aren't new. Someone out there once went through the same, and came out victorious. Someone is going through the same and trying to overcome it. Search for that someone, relate with them, and then apply why they did or what they are doing.

Read books, spend alone time, listen to podcasts over knowing more about you. Most of our problems are because we fail to spend time with ourselves, to catch up with our life, to reflect back on what's happening.

Practice reflection, practice gratitude and trust me half of your problems will disappear.

And foremost thing- stay away from your mobile phone atleast till your breakfast or you get done with your first half of the stay. No social media nothing. Just you, your work, and your peace of mind. Put your phone away atleast 10 minutes before you go to sleep. You mind needs to rest and that won't happen will all those reels and thoughts piling up inside it. Before sleeping, have a light conversation with your loved ones pr yourself and practice gratitude. Trust me, the sleep you will get will be a peaceful and energizing one.

So, precious, remember to take care of yourself. You matters alot. Your opinions ans thoughts matters alot and for you to recognize your worth, you need to know about yourself.

You have been doing great, I am proud of you precious.

Don't give up, see where you are lacking and work over it.

You can achieve your dreams.

Take care of your smile, it suits you the best and makes you even more prettier.

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Thank you, precious.

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Wish to nourish the budding flower with faith and love to help it bloom in its harsh environment.