How are you feeling? Let's be honest here, and if the feeling is not so good, don't ignore it. Embrace it. If something is bothering you, share with someone. If you are feeling delighted, then too, share with your dear ones. How's your week going? I hope you are not overworking yourself. I believe you have lots of work to do, but health comes first. Take breaks, go for a walk, some little talk, and then resume your work or studies. You know the saying right, "Health is wealth." So, let's not exhaust our bodies and mind because we absolutely need to finish this work. Don't rush, think calmly, maybe you can find an easy way and much better way to do it. Also, taking small breaks will give your energy to work for much longer hours. I hope you are taking care of yourself, having your meals on time, and sleeping on time. We all have responsibilities, few have many and others have few, but that doesn't means we let them weigh us down. Approach them as you will approach a friend, they are meant to make you a better person. Don't think them of a chore. Don't think your work, or your studies as chores. And you know the best way to not think of them as a Bully? Think about your inspiration. Why are you doing what you are doing? Why haven't you given up yet? Or better- what's stopping you from giving up? What makes you happy? Once again, let the answer be what your heart says, not what your mind I know mind is more rational but this life is yours and heart knows the best what you want. I hope you connect every work with a deeper and meaningful 'why', your work will become your purpose rather than a chore. And on the days when you don't feel like doing anything, ask once again, 'why I am doing this?' Without the answer to this why, work or studies will always tire you out. Think about the question. And those who are doing their work for their loved ones , think again, life is too long to do something you don't like. I am sure they will understand if you insist enough on what you want to study or work. Alright, it won't be easy but if the result is your happiness then price must have to be a hefty amount of efforts. So, next time. I hope you will be working towards your goal with a healthy mind and body and with an answer to why. Remember to appreciate your efforts and your loved one's efforts at the end of the day. Just because no on do it, doesn't means it holds no value. We human crave for appreciation and affection. So do it for yourself and your loved ones. You are doing great, precious. I am proud of you, for you have made it till here. It wasn't easy but life is meant to be meaningful, not easy. Take care, keep smiling and keep shining. I wish you a peaceful and productive day ahead.
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