Take a deep breath and tell yourself how are you feeling.
First step to tackle any problem is to know what is it.
If you are not feeling good, then you need to know what are you actually feeling.
Then the next step is why are you feeling this? Think of it, was it someone that caused this feeling? Were it your actions? Is it series of events? What is it? Take a pen and diary and try to write it down whenever you have felt this feeling at an overwhelming point.
Now, we know what's happened. Question come how should we shoo it away? And not just temporarily but permanently too.
The answer is : Gratitude
The feeling of being thankful for something you have.
Now, you must wonder, how come this can help when whatever we are feeling is because of lack of something?
Precious, we appreciate who appreciate us. Don't we? Then it's same for the Universe. Universe grant our wishes when we appreciate what we already have.
See it this way, you do everything for your friend, but all he say is - you didn't do this.
How would you feel? Terrible.
That's how it goes. Universe has given us so much, giving us so much yet sometimes we forget what we have and just complain of things not going in our way.
How about we start being grateful of what we have, and let the Universe gift us with whatever we lack?
Now, I know it is easier said than done. But don't worry, I will guide you through.
1. Every morning be grateful for another day- many don't get the chance to live, to be with their loved ones, to serve their purpose.
2. Make a Gratitude bullet journal where you can express you Gratitude. What's better than handwritten letters?
3. Be grateful for who you have, we don't realise but we are lucky to have our family and friends, appreciate them.
4. Be grateful for what you have- the work you have, the education you have, the meal you have, the relationships, the treasured possessions.
5. Be grateful for who you are - you could have been a worse person, there are many people who makes you glad that you are not them, don't you think you appreciate yourself for being a better you?
6. Be grateful for lessons you learn- every good and bad incidences teach us something, learn from them. They weren't here for just to hurt you.
7. Be grateful for another day before sleeping- if had a good day, be thankful you didn't have a bad one. If it was a bad one, be thankful it wasn't worse one. We are always saved from worse, precious.
Write these 6-7 points everyday, you will relaise how much you have, and then you won't ever feel any less than you are.
You are precious. You matters. You are blessed. Appreciate this blessing, precious.
I am proud of you,
I am happy to know that you are working for yourself.
Don't give up being you, loving the things you do, trying on more time because one time can make a difference .
Thank you for reading my message, and share it with those you think might need it.
Gratitude is best thing to practice when everyone is too focused on the lacking space, rather than the mountain of blessing we have.
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